You know you’re supposed to drink a lot of water. How much? How do you know you’re getting enough?

It’s roughly 7-10 glasses a day. But it depends on your size. The larger you are, the more water you need.


This formula shows how many glasses you need based on your body weight (in lbs) and the average glass size (8 oz.)

# of Glasses = (Body Weight in lbs ÷ 2) / 8

Example: If you are 160 lbs, then you should drink 10 glasses of water a day.

# of Glasses = (160 ÷ 2) / 8 = 10

This is about 2.5 liters. Or 3 large 1 L water bottles.

[1 liter = 34 fluid ounces]


# of Glasses = (Body Weight in kg ÷ 0.9) / 8

ExampleIf you weigh 60 kilos, then you need 8 glasses of water a day.

# of Glasses = (60 ÷ 0.9) / 8 = 8

I know this is an awkward formula! But I converted it for those of you who live outside the US & UK and use kg instead of lbs.


Another way to determine how much water you need is to divid your body weight in half to get the total number of ounces of water.

Total Amount of Water Needed (in oz.) = Body Weight ÷ 2 ✏️

ExampleIf you weigh 180 lbs, then you need 90 oz of water in 1 day.

Total # Oz = 180 ÷ 2 = 90


TIP 1⃣ Drink more than this amount if you are exercising, sweating a lot, in intense sun or heat, or sick with a cold. All of these situations deplete water faster.

TIP 2⃣ – If you find water tasteless, boring, or too mineral-y, add a slice of lemon or lime, or fresh chopped fruit to give it flavor. This also gives you an antioxidant boost.

TIP 3⃣ – Don’t chug down several glasses all at once. Your body can’t absorb water this fast. It will just end up in your bladder (unless you are very dehydrated). Take several large sips and spread your sipping throughout the day.

TIP 4⃣ – Drink frequently instead of waiting until you are thirsty. If you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated.

TIP 5⃣ – Fruits & veggies contain water. So eat juicy fruits if you have trouble drinking. Examples of juicy fruits: watermelon, oranges , grapefruits, grapes , plums, apples , and many more!