A sauna with a view. I would love to spend some time in here. It’s freezing right now! ❄

What are the benefits of sweating?

SWEATING regulates your body temperature and detoxifies your body. Sweat is made of water, salt, minerals, and things your body doesn’t want (waste, pollutants, toxins). Your body also detoxifies and gets rid of waste through the liver and kidneys.

Exercising is a good way to flush out toxins. Because you sweat more. And it increases your blood circulation. This means more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to your skin (a good thing – skin loves being fed constantly!). And waste is removed faster too.

Sweat also protects your skin. It’s part of your ACID MANTLE, an invisible layer of sweat & sebum on the top of your skin. This slightly acidic layer prevents bacteria, irritating chemicals, and pollutants from entering your skin.

So if you OVER-CLEANSE or use harsh cleansers, you can strip away this important acid mantle and weaken your skin’s barrier function. A weakened barrier exposes your skin to all sorts of problems – dryness, irritation, and inflammation. Have acne? A stripped acid mantle will definitely make it worse.