Skin pH is an important number in skincare. The pH of skin is about 5.5. This is an average, but it can range from 4.5-6 depending on your skin chemistry and what products you are using. A pH of 5.5 is SLIGHTLY ACIDIC. The acidity protects your skin from the environment.

Skin needs to stay at around this pH to be healthy. A change in the skin pH disrupts the skin’s lipid barrier and weakens it.

A weak barrier opens the door to all kinds of skin problems. IT MAKES EVERY PROBLEM WORSE.

Think of skin getting “leaky.” A disturbed barrier allows things to come in – things you don’t want, like bacteria, irritating ingredients, allergens. And it allows things to go out faster – like water.

The result? Dehydrated and irritated skin. More inflammation. Neither good for long term skin health.


Further Reading:

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