GRAPE or RAISIN? Which one would you rather be?

Your skin is capable of being both. Treat your skin right, and you can be the grape!

How To Be The GRAPE:

1.) Use a hydrating toner or serum right after you cleanse. Even better if you use both. It will increase the amount of water your skin retains.
*Oily skin types – don’t be afraid of using these types of products. They won’t make you more oily.

2.) Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drink extra if you drink coffee, tea, or alcohol.

[How Much Water?]

3.) Reach for a piece of juicy fruit instead of a candy bar.

4.) Protect your skin in harsh weather (when it’s very cold, windy, dry, or hot). That means – Wear Sunscreen. And if you’re not oily, apply an emollient moisturizer underneath the sunscreen.

5.) Quit smoking. [Sorry to preach, but it must be said, because smoking is SUCH A HUGE dehydrator of skin.]


How To Be The RAISIN:

1.) Ignore everything above 🙂