A Vitamin K serum to reduce redness around my nose. With fall allergies and colder weather, I’m blowing my nose a lot. It’s red and irritated, especially around the nostril crease.

In skincare, Vitamin K‬ helps with redness‬, ‪visible capillaries (telangiectasia)‬,‪ ‎spider veins‬, rosacea‬, dark circles‬, and bruising. It works by strengthening blood vessel walls and healing damaged tissue.

Vitamin K is found most often in dark circle eye treatments. It’s less common as a standalone Vitamin K serum‬.

Since my nose-blowing is chronic and I have visible capillaries (you can the see blood vessels), I like having a dedicated Vitamin K serum. I apply this serum followed by a barrier repair cream.

Advance K is by Dermastart ClearChoice, a professional skincare line that is available through spas and estheticians.


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