Whiteheads vs Blackheads

WHITEHEADS are light-colored bumps on the surface of skin. They are due to clogged pores.

So how are they different from blackheads and other types of clogged pores? Today, let’s compare them with blackheads.


Both whiteheads and blackheads are pores clogged with sebum, […]

By |2017-04-22T00:37:25-04:00July 15, 2015|Acne|

Night Skincare Routine

Tonight’s night skincare routine:

ClearChoice‬ Hydrating Masque – a light, creamy rinse-off mask‬

PCA Skin‬ Pigment Gellightening‬ treatment with 2% Hydroquinone (also comes in a HQ-free formula), for my spots


By |2017-06-28T23:28:45-04:00June 21, 2015|Brands, Skincare Routine|

Bedside Foot Care Products

I was tagged by @ruhimaach on Instagram to share #whatsonmybedside

Right before bed, it’s all about my feet (the only time I pay attention to them). The bottom of my feet are SCARY dry 🙂

So I like applying a […]

By |2017-06-29T00:46:10-04:00February 27, 2015|Brands|
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